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flash > php > problem with different servers


i am creating a competition in flash
you type in a submission, hit send, get a message in the browser saying complete, get an automated email saying thanks, and sending the submission to myself

on my personal server, this works fine, no problem

when uploading to client server, i have problems..
they adjusted the security settings, everything worked fine
amazing, i am very relieved...

then i go away for a week, come back, and the competitions do not work
the in 'complete' message gets to the browser, so flash shows that it was a clean transaction
problem is that you never receive a confirmation email, and i never receive the submission
very frustrating

how did this happen...?

server people say it is not their fault
i say it is...
but i am not sure

i understand there have been some security changes introduced to php
and that perhaps there are work arounds for this
but i must remind you that they opened up the security, and it worked fine!!
a week later, no joy

i am confident that the php code works fine, and always did
and have attached it
but i just do not know how to even start getting this working

suggestions, support, even sympathy welcome

many thanks

. jay

** PHP flash form
** This script is easy to configure. Just change the variables below to
** suit your environment and PHP does the rest!
// Enter your contact email address here
$adminaddress = "[email protected]";

// Enter the address of your website here include http://www.
$siteaddress ="";

// Enter your company name or site name here
$sitename = "Byboth";

$compname = "competition";

$volume = "Volume 01";

Nothing needs to be changed below !!!

// Gets the date and time from your server to be displayed in the email
$date = date("m/d/Y H:i:s");

// All vairables are set so process mail! send the information collected in the
//Flash form to Your nominated email address

if ($action != ""):
mail("$adminaddress","$sitename $compname entry",
"A visitor at $sitename Volume 01 has entered the $compname competition\n
Name: $username
Email: $email
Competition: $compname
The submission is below:
Date/Time: $date","FROM:$adminaddress");

//This sends a thank you email to your visitor
mail("$email","Thank You for entering the $sitename Volume 01 $compname competition",
"Hi $username,\n
Thank you for entering the $compname competition in $sitename!\n\n

//Build result
$sendresult = "Thank you for entering the $sitename $compname competition. You will receive a confirmation email shortly. ";
//Confirmation is sent back to the Flash form that the process is complete
echo "&retval=1&stats=$sendresult";


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